Can you imagine walking into a luxury store with a handbag you bought years ago, and the sales associate authenticates it as easy as banks authenticating your account when you tap your credit card — then you receive store credit that matches the market value. You can either spend this credit on new items or pre-owned ones, or you can resell the bag yourself, knowing its actual value. This is the future of resale.

Consumers are looking to make more sustainable purchases, and luxury items hold their value longer than the span of one owner’s enjoyment of an item, such as handbags, clothing, watches, and accessories. The benefits of buying pre-owned luxury items include: reduced wait times, a considerably more sustainable technique, and, in most situations, being more cost-effective.


The $25-30 billion resale economy is booming, buoyed by a series of acquisitions and IPOs. McKinsey & Company estimates the resale market will have 10 to 15 percent annual growth in the next decade. Offline outlets account for the majority of secondhand sales, but specialized digital resale platforms and third-party marketplaces like The RealReal, and eBay hold a 25-30 percent market share and are driving much of the sector’s growth.

“In the future, I see the convergence of new and pre-owned products as a key opportunity, as well as enabling other brands and retailers to enter the resale market, which has been dominated by third-party marketplaces,” says Farfetch’s global director of sustainable business Tom Berry to Vogue Business.


Businesses cannot ignore the necessity of becoming more sustainable. This innovative route to resale has the potential to transform the retail industry’s green credentials.

The concern about the environment is growing and impacting consumers’ choices. Customers are understanding a lot more about the complexities of sustainability. The future of fashion has to be circular, and resale programs will encourage customers to do just that.

Digitizing and automating these functions reduce reliance on in-person interactions and error-prone, paper-based processes. 45% of all municipal solid waste is created at work. Read more DocuSign – Building Sustainable Business

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