Sustainable Selling Resource - Aravenda Blog

We Understand Every Resale Business Is Unique
Top Hyped Sneakers to Resell in 2023

Top Hyped Sneakers to Resell in 2023

In the sneaker resale world, the start of every year is almost always a banger, as that is when manufacturers decide to create a strong and lasting image to start off the new year. Whether limited-edition sneakers catch your eye for their style or potential market...

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Same Language, Different Lingo 

Same Language, Different Lingo 

As I have been spending more and more time with our international customers, I have found that the term “consignment shop” is not always the norm. One of our UK clients informed me that a common term there is “dress agency.” After that, I noticed some of the hashtags...

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Every Business Starts Small

Every Business Starts Small

In 2005 Etsy’s founders, Rob Kalin, Chris Maguire, and Haim Schoppik created the company in a Brooklyn apartment. Their original vision was to create a business that would function as an online platform for craftsmen to sell their goods. Read more about their history....

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Opening a Brick-and-Mortar Store

Opening a Brick-and-Mortar Store

Have you decided to open a retail store but don’t know where to start?You’ve always dreamed of owning your own consignment business, and now you’ve decided to make those dreams a reality. Whether you’re opening a traditional brick-and-mortar store or building an...

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The Resale Market in 2023

The Resale Market in 2023

Resale items currently make up approximately one-quarter of secondhand products buyers’ closets but they are expected to make up 27% of closets by 2023. Sarah Willersdorf, global head of luxury and coauthor of the report at BCG, said: “It is now certain that consumers...

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Rolex Enters the Resale Market

Rolex Enters the Resale Market

Rolex is going to enter the second-hand watch market allowing customers to buy watches that have been checked for their working condition, certified as authentic by the brand (or qualified authorized dealers), and sold with a Rolex two-year international guarantee....

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