United Kingdom

United Kingdom

UNITED KINGDOM’S ECONOMIC & RESALE FACTS & STATS   GDP real growth rate: 4.35% (2022)ii  Ease of doing business: Very Easy with a score of 83.5 (2020)iii Market Size of Used Goods Stores industry: £2.5 Billioniv  Resale Stores: 4,018v Consignment Stores:...


Country: AUSTRALIA Capital City: Canberra  Currency: Australian dollar (AUD) Languages: English   Population size: 26,821,557  Public Holidays 2024: View all   Aravenda services available:   Full-service consignment software – resale inventory management...


CANADIAN ECONOMIC & RESALE FACTS & STATS    GDP real growth rate: with real GDP rising by 1.1 percent in 20231   Ease of doing business: Very Easy, ranked 23 with a general score 79.6 *as of 2020, published in 20242  Consignment stores stats: 1,400 stores est....